Encinitas4Equality’s Housing Committee mission is to increase housing access for low-income and BIPOC individuals in Encinitas. Our vision is to actualize a city that provides viable and affordable housing options for people, and especially BIPOC people, of all income levels and phases of life. We also believe education on home buying is instrumental in creating pathways for our diverse communities to have purchase power in the housing market.
E4E Housing Committee primary purpose is to advocate to affirmatively further fair housing policies in Program 5 of the City of Encinitas Housing Element Plan.It is our belief that all Encinitas residents benefit from diversity and want to open the doors to homes for all those interested.
The 2024 priority of E4E is to advocate for a 100% affordable housing site in Encinitas.
If you need a place to stay tonight or soon, please call 211 or visit this website: 211sandiego.org for information about community resources.
Encinitas City Housing Phone Line: (760) 633-2723. Email: housing@encinitasca.gov
Additional City Resources:
County Resources:
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability in any program or activity receiving federal financial assistance. To file a Section 504 complaint, contact the Housing Authority of the County of San Diego at: (858) 694-4801.